Innovative Technology Solutions for Business

Managed Network Services

Your company’s network is the system that connects all computers and devices, allowing them to communicate and share information with each other, both within the organization and beyond.

Managed network services involve outsourcing some or all aspects of your company's network to a team of experts, ensuring it runs smoothly, stays secure, and is cost-effective.

At ASi Networks, we specialize in proactively managing and optimizing your network infrastructure. We offer businesses of all sizes tailored managed network services, helping balance their technology needs and budget constraints.

Our team of experts ensures uninterrupted operations, 24/7 monitoring and support, proactive issue resolution, top-tier security, and strategic network management. Safeguard and grow your business without breaking the bank with our managed IT services.

    ASi Networks' 9 Innovative Technology Solutions for Business

    1: Network Infrastructure

    Enterprise-wide management of your network infrastructure involves installing, configuring, and monitoring the hardware and software designed to run and support your network services and protocols. These protocols and services include TCP/IP, UDP, WAN/LAN, Wi-Fi, and cloud networks.

    Network hardware includes servers, routers, switches, gateways, and other devices. Infrastructure software primarily comprises server-grade operating systems and network monitoring programs.

    Network Infrastructure Monitoring

    A system for continually monitoring the network and reporting issues is known as network infrastructure monitoring. For instance, a router may experience a crash due to receiving more traffic than it can handle. We're a Top managed network services provider in Los Angeles with over 20 years of experience. Contact us if you need help managing your IT infrastructure.

    Configuration Management

    Configuration management aims to ensure that network devices are set up according to best practices and patched, upgraded, or replaced as necessary. We can help you set up innovative technology solutions that automatically detect and manage configuration changes.

    Performance Management

    Performance management focuses on assessing a network and maintaining the necessary performance level to prevent adverse effects on business operations. It’s always a good idea for your IT team to be on top of network capacity checks, bandwidth utilization monitoring, network latencies, and throughput. These are crucial indicators important to performance management for any business IT network.

    Fault management

    Finding possible network issues before they happen is ultimately the goal for any IT team. Managing how your team handles faults or problems with your network will determine how long your system is down due to various network faults or defects.

    Faults are inevitable, but you can manage when and how badly they affect your operations by being proactive and ready as a team. The main focus of fault management is increasing productivity and reducing the time it takes to recover from down circuits or equipment failure for better efficiency.

    Security Management

    Your IT network is an essential component of how your business functions. You must ensure your network is as secure as possible without breaking the bank.

    Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and log traffic monitoring tools can all be used by network managers to keep the network secure and ensure that assaults are rapidly detected and stopped. Get familiar with our cyber security services.

    2: Network Connectivity

    Every computer network features hardware, software, and processes that allow its component systems to communicate with one another, other networks, or the Internet.

    ASI’s innovative technology solutions for business include planning network topology, laying down and organizing network cables, and configuring connectivity hardware, such as hubs, routers, switches, and gateways. Our structured cabling team can help you make sure wiring of your infrastructure is done properly.

    3: Data Center Infrastructure

    ASi Networks offers complete data center infrastructure management (DCIM) services. They include software and ancillary hardware to remotely manage and monitor your data center’s IT equipment and infrastructure, from power consumption management and capacity planning to incident response capabilities.
    innovative technology solutions for business

    4: WAN/LAN infrastructure

    A Local Area Network (LAN) connects the end devices, such as computers, and terminals, within a single area, such as the premises of your business. Devices connected via LAN may employ wired connections such as Ethernet or wireless (Wi-Fi). Enterprise-grade Wide Area Networks (WANs) are networks of multiple business LANs, connecting buildings in different geographic areas and forming a more comprehensive single network.

    ASi’s managed network managed services include WAN/LAN infrastructure management, ensuring that all your devices across multiple locations have access to a single, unified, reliable network.

    5: Wi-Fi

    Our managed Wi-Fi service provides your business seamless access to a reliable, high-bandwidth Wi-Fi network.

    This service not only ensures that mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other Wi-Fi-connected platforms can access your business network. It also monitors the Wi-Fi network’s performance and ensures maximum uptime and connection speeds.

    6: SD-WAN

    A Software-Defined Wide Area Network is a WAN where many traditional devices and hardware used to support the network are replaced with cloud-based virtual equivalents, allowing the network to run as software.

    We can help you implement and manage an SD-WAN for your business, giving it access to the cloud and increasing network agility, performance, and security while decreasing your business network’s complexity.

    7: IP Telephony

    ASi Networks can help you implement Internet Protocol (IP) telephony services, eliminating the need to rely on phone systems based on the traditional telephone network. IP telephony services leverage Internet connections to send and receive voice data through the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Businesses with IP telephony services have full phone capabilities without paying for and maintaining two separate phone and Internet networks.

    8: Cyber Security

    Our managed network security services ensure that your business network has the necessary software and processes to protect it against intrusions and unauthorized access.

    Managed network security includes installing and configuring cybersecurity suites, real-time monitoring of your networks, and rapid incident response protocols.

    9: Service Level Agreements

    A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between you (as a customer) and a service provider. ASi Networks will provide you with a complete overview of the provided services and the expected performance level for each.

    Our SLA will also include details regarding our availability, responsibilities during incident management, scalability of our services, and address or clarify other legal aspects.

    Importance & Benefits Of

    Proper Network Management

    The benefits of network managed services for any business network are vast. It is crucial to ensure proper network performance, resulting in higher uptime as well as overall employee productivity. Trusting ASi Networks to be your managed network services provider, giving your IT personnel more resources to focus on innovating and creating great products instead of being bogged down by day-to-day infrastructure maintenance.

    Our services also include plans for network disruptions, from remediation to temporary outages to disaster recovery plans, which are critical for maintaining productivity, data security, and business operations.

    Six Components of Our Innovative Technology Solutions for Businesses

    Network Management

    ASi-Networks offers network management services that are made up of six important parts:
    1. Network engineering team, featuring network system and connectivity experts capable of planning, formulating, implementing, and maintaining your organization’s networks.
    2. Helpdesk management team, that can handle routine requests and mundane tasks for you, freeing your IT personnel for higher-priority activities.
    3. Security engineering team, capable of designing and managing your organization’s network security systems, complete with around-the-clock system monitoring and advanced threat response capabilities.
    4. Resources to provide your organization with a flexible and dynamic response to technological challenges, such as network budgeting, connection slowdowns, or scalability needs.
    5. Implementing multi-link technology to protect your business network against outages, optimizing uptime (high availability) for critical tasks and applications.
    6. Flexible service level agreements allow you to create a partnership with your managed network services partner.

    Challenges Of Setting Up

    Network Management

    Network management is a complex set of tasks posing many challenges, especially for businesses with limited IT capabilities.

    The larger the business network becomes, the more intricate it becomes, requiring expertise, more resources and innovative technology solutions. This effect can create a significant issue for in-house IT departments, which may not have the necessary tools and expertise to address the business’s operational needs.

    Additionally, the higher the level of complexity, the more challenging the network’s security requirements. An improperly managed network can create security issues for the company, including inconsistent audits, delayed or improper threat response, problems with data compliance laws and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and Sarbanes-Oxley, and an increased risk of data loss.

    Entrusting your network to a managed network services provider such as ASi Networks ensures your business can face these challenges and maintain optimal operational efficiency, security, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

    Trust ASi Networks As Your Partner

    20+ Years of Experience

    ASi Networks has over 20 years of experience as one of the top managed network services provider in los angeles, delivering proven IT solutions to our customers.

    We specialize in designing, engineering, and implementing tailored innovative technology solutions that meet your business needs and exceed expectations.

    Your technology investment is our responsibility: we work to maximize your return on investment (ROI) and keep your business competitive, secure, and flexible.

    Our expertise and resources ensure your business won’t be impacted by the issues and challenges most commonly encountered by in-house network management teams. Contact our team today for your network management needs.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Technology solutions are tools and strategies addressing IT needs. In the context of managed network services, these include comprehensive approaches to network infrastructure, monitoring, and maintenance for seamless business operations.

    An example of a technology solution, particularly within managed network services, is implementing robust network monitoring and maintenance. This ensures optimal performance, security, and scalability for business networks.

    Managed Network Services (MNS) refer to outsourced solutions where a professional provider takes care of your network infrastructure, monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting. This ensures your network runs smoothly, allowing you to focus on your core business.

    MNS providers proactively monitor networks for issues. When a failure occurs, they swiftly diagnose and address the problem, often remotely. Their expertise and advanced tools minimize downtime and ensure a rapid response.

    MNS bring numerous benefits: improved network performance, reduced downtime, enhanced security, access to expert support, cost savings through outsourcing, and the ability to scale as your business grows.

    Yes, reputable MNS providers prioritize security. They implement robust measures like firewalls, encryption, and continuous monitoring to safeguard your data and network from cyber threats.

    Absolutely, MNS are well-suited for multi-location businesses. Providers centralize management, making it easier to maintain consistency, security, and efficient communication across different locations.